25 March 2009



It's cutting week. This is a traditional Mexican papercut pattern of calaveras (skull in Spanish), which associated with the celebration of the Day of Death in Mexico. Not only Chinese make delicate paper objects for people who passed away, Mexican also make these amazing papercuttings for them.
I found myself tend to light up the paperworks I made.
hmm... long way to go.

21 March 2009

a new friend


I met this new friend in my backyard last night. She was hiding under my washed shoes when I was picking up them. I was totally freak out at first, but then, I found she is actually quite cute. I couldn't tell what colour she is since it was quite dark there. Another big suprise came after a long exposure shot. Wow! She is pink!!!

15 March 2009


The Only Light Source

All the lights in my room died, and I am now technically working in drakroom (poor me). The little lamp becomes the very powerful
(and the only) light source in my room. Everything just glows and looks nicer when they are lit. I guess this darkroom is not totally a bad thing?

10 March 2009


Out of Focus
I 'pre-made' this kirigami which belongs to 28/03 because...
Actually, there is no because.
I just hunger for new challenges,
and this 3D kirigami seemed challaging.

[Project Status] blurry, unsure, but still fascinating
(exactly like this shot)

07 March 2009



I like this picture alot!
I wasn't thinking much or watching anything special.
I guess I just felt like to press the button?

taken at 6 March 09 around 9pm

03 March 2009

It started.


Something I found in the backyard after dinner.
They look like the moving lights from a long exposure shot.
They are actually leaves or grasses with the shadows of blinds.
The honours year started.
These plants could be the potential 'raw' materials for my project.
I am doing something about papers by the way...