08 December 2009

I paint

I can't even remember the last time I picked up a paint brush... probably 3 or 4 years ago? I used to paint every week when I was in high school (as part of painting assignment of course), we stayed in the art room after school and painted until sunset, it was one of the best moments of the time.
I don't paint well but I feel happy when I paint (so do photography). This is what matters, right?

26 November 2009

be focused
a procrastinating shot while exegesis writing...
when I am busy with work, there are always so many ideas about what to do, what to shoot after work, but actually, when the work is over, the urge is also gone. Time to change...

19 November 2009

100th Post

Exegesis cover

Exegesis cover foldout

Hurray~I am finally up to the 100th post! And hurray again becuase the exegesis is also done and dusted. A publication of 150 pages with 7000 words and over 100 images, from writing, photography, editing, design, printing, finishing were all done within 10 days... Apart from exploring the potential of paper this year, I think I also explored my last-minute potential. Dear my futher employers, I work well under pressure...
There are 2 copies of the book, one is being assessed and one is at Art & Design Graduand Showw 2009. Yes! I am having exhibition again. It is the third exhibition I have this year, I am abit overwhelmed honestly. But, I am always interested in seeing other people's work, should be fun ;)

14 November 2009

My Origami Friends







Hen & Egg

Sausage Dog



The little firends are finally up here after the return of exhibition.
As you may (or maynot)realise that they are made with scrapped
papers, mostly the back of envelops. It is not necessary to have
fancy paper to do paper crafting; if you pay enough attention to
paper all around, you will be surprised by what you find!
I am still putting my exegesis together. (slowly & sometimes sadly)
Assuming I need to work it through the weekend and rush straight
to printer and bindery before the uni door is shut on Monday.
Risky, exciting and very last-minute...

07 November 2009

Paper Play Game

Paper Play packaging

Opened package

Game instructions

Fully opened package

Game board (transformed from the package)


Card set

'Make it' card

'Learn it' card

Let's play game

03 November 2009

It's a wrap...not quite yet

It's a wrap.

This is one of the exhibits for my honours show. If people still remeber this super last-minutely made wrap from last semester, here are the proper photos that I promised to put up before.

31 October 2009

Exhibition Catalogue

Curiouser & Curiouser poster

catalogue package - front

catalogue package - back

catalogue package - box

Finally, the show ended this Thursday, and so did the fabulous business plan. I spent whole friday afternoon photographing all my paper friends, the process was super tiring but so exciting at the same time. Then, it's up to the editing part which will need a while to get them all done, so I am going to put photos up along my long and sad editing process ( I think I have over 100 photos on the waiting list...)

Well, first up is the Curiouser & Curiouser exhibition catalogue. The identiy,the lovely big line ball, is done by kristy, and I did the poster and the packaging for the catalogue. The poster is folded up to carry our project posters which make up the exhibition catalogue. Unfold the sides of the package and push them towards each other, it will become a box!

I think because of my willfulness, I made everyone do quite abit of folding ;p

24 October 2009

The Paper Journey

The overall look

Paper Play

Well, here they are, my paper things at Curiouser&curiouser!
Left to right: Paper Play, Black Christmas Trees and It's a wrap.

I spent almost a year mucking around with paper, and I had so much fun with it. I think it would be nice to share the fun, so I summerise what I have learnt and designed this Paper Play game. The green cards, make it, are paper handicraft tasks and the yellow cards, learn it, are some interesting facts or stories about paper. The little white animals are the tokens for the game. The photos next to the game is how the game board looks like when it is folded up. (yes, no extra packaging or container, the game board itself is the container!) I am not going to explain how the game works here unless you really want to know. It is abit hard to get it without playing. ;p

For the little paper things on the Trees, they are more challenging to make, so I didn't include them in the game, but I guess they deserve to be shown. They would look nicer to be shot individually, so photos will be up when these little friends go home.

Last, but not the least. It's a wrap (see close up) is also displayed. I made this as a concludsion of what I have done in semester 1. I still feel so glad that I didn't take it to laser cut machine and got it done by my hands. I think that is what make it more meaningful to me and to my poject. Hope you like them!

20 October 2009

curiouser & curiouser

curiouser & curiouser

20th -28th October
1000 £ Bend
361 Little Lonsdale Street
Opens daily 8am-8pm

see you there!

found shadow
a snap shot after set up for our honours exhibition,
what a sunny afternoon (before the storm)

13 October 2009

Sometimes you're just stuck in the same thing for so long that you can't really tell it is good or not; or sometimes you just have so little time to do the thing that you don't even have time to make any judgement. It is still fine if either of them happens, but it is not so fine when you actually realise it.( And yes, I am at this stage...)
I didn't mean to spread out the negative energy around, I just need to spit this out and do work. I miss my truth teller housemate...

07 October 2009

Working Mode


black Christmas tree

While I was building up these black Christmas tree things for the exhibition... I had the thought that they would make good photos. And they do! These trees are actually the shelves for my paper works to sit on. Aren't they cute? Maybe I should just put them in the show without other origamis, hehe :p

30 September 2009

need some colours here

Finally, here is something about my honours project. I am making
a game to conclude this project and these are the posters or part of
the exhibition catalogues that will be given out on the opening.
150 copies ONLY ( because they are hand-folded by me :p )
So, be there early if you want one.

I have alot more foldings and drawings to do....
The mid-sem break is never at mid semester and it is never a break!

26 September 2009

My Schedule

I will be screaming through September,
October and a bit of November because of
works, the honours exhibition, presentation,
exegesis and the fabulous business plan.

Then, I am going to pick up my film camera
to do more snaps. There is also something
in my mind that I want to do. (surprisingly,
this time I have a plan for photos, can't wait!)

After that, I am going to have some gatherings
with my family and friends! See you soon.