27 October 2008

end? not really...

Be Conscious
The most exciting part of folio production....cutting...

I made it

Finally, I made it. I did something I've been saying all the time. ' the weather is so nice...we should be in st kilda, not computer lab...' After the folio submission, we went straight to the beach!!!

20 October 2008

Silk Road

This is kind of freshly done. It's the a mapping project.
I mapped the products and techniques that were exported form China to other countries through the Silk Road. Each pattern represents one product and each fold represents one country. The map is read from right to left, east to west (from China to Europe). When the map is fully opened, it becomes a long piece of patterned paper, like a fabric.

Don't Be Pathetic

Finally, I handed in my essay. It has been torturing me for a week.
This was not fun, seriously. After that, don't know why I felt sooooooo relax... even though I haven't done anything for the folio yet. Gosh......

Anyway, I can now fully work on my folio.

Light Reflection Practice no. 2
Since the weather was so nice today, I went out for a walk and practice my 'light reflection skill'. Well, these photos have nothing to do with the 'artificial' refletion tho... they're just something I found interesting while the reflection practice. Something abstract... The theme fits with one of the exhibition books I made Light & Shadow, but um... I got them done already, too late. Yea, the exhibition books have been done weeks ago, and I am quite happy with them. But I won't post the pictures for the finished books until the exhibition begins :p Wanna keep this suprise, so please check out our exhibition, details will be posted soon.



ping no.3

10 October 2008


I kept saying how good the photos with sunlight were, and forgot to post those with flashes last week. I was so unexperienced, and took me ages to got the shoot done. I definitely need more practice...

Optic Nerve Exhibition Invitation Card
/Studio set up with proper lighting and camera
/Canon 5D (f/2.8 70 mm) + 3 flashes

Optic Nerve Exhibition Invitation Card (interior)
/Random snap shot with tungstenlight
/Canon IXUS 40 (f/2.8 5.8mm) + lamp

Ping Paper Cut
/Home set up shoot with Sabi's camera
/Nikon D70 (f/2.8 macro) + natural light

Ping Paper Cut II
/Random snap shot with tungstenlight
/Canon IXUS 40 (f/2.8 5.8mm) + lamp

17 days to go......

04 October 2008

Mum is here...

I did the photo shoot for my folio at Roei's place yesterday. He was so nice that set up the lighting for me which made the shoot go alot smoother. The lighting was real good, but still, it took us qutie a while to make it perfect. (super bright and clean)
The sunlight was so nice this morning, so I decided to shoot my jewellery work again with the perfect sunlight. And the outcome was so good and so close to the lighting we had yesterday...

The Power of Nature

The Power of Freezer

um... of course this is not part of my jewellery work. I just found the colour scheme goes well with the jewellery :p By the way, I found this fly in the freezer, poor thing...